
javasci.Scilab — This class provides the basic methods to execute Scilab code and scripts.


This class is static. Since the Scilab environnement is persistant, all variables will remain accessible with the Java application.

Method Summary :

  • public static void Events() - Execute a Scilab event

  • public static boolean HaveAGraph() -Check if there is any scilab graphic window open (return True if it is the case).

  • public static boolean Exec(String job) - Execute a job in scilab. return true if there is no error.

    Note that the given expression must be consistent by itself. Then, a serie of Exec defining a function will not work. Please consider calling it with a single string instruction or using a temporary file with the method ExecuteScilabScript.

    For example: Scilab.Exec("function foo(); disp('bar'); endfunction"); will work when Scilab.Exec("function foo();"); Scilab.Exec("disp('bar');"); Scilab.Exec("endfunction;"); will not work since each statement being processed independently

  • public static native boolean ExistVar(String VarName) - Detect if VarName exists in Scilab. return true if Varname exist.

  • public static native int TypeVar(String VarName) - Return Scilab type of VarName. See type

  • public static native int GetLastErrorCode() - Return last Error code. See lasterror

  • public static boolean ExecuteScilabScript(String scilabscriptfilename) - Execute a scilab script (.sce) return true if there is no error.

  • public static native boolean Finish() - Terminate scilab (call scilab.quit , close a scilab object)


// A Scilab / Java example 
// Filename:

import javasci.Scilab;

public class ScilabExample {
	public static void main(String []args){
		String myVar="myVariable";
		Scilab.Exec(myVar+"=(%pi^4)/90;disp(myVariable);"); // Simple display
		if (Scilab.ExistVar(myVar)) {
			System.out.println("Variable "+myVar+" exists. Type: "+Scilab.TypeVar(myVar));
		if (!Scilab.Exec("disp(plop);")) { // Error
			System.err.println("Last error: "+Scilab.GetLastErrorCode()); // Error

See Also

Compile and run with Javasci, SciDouble, SciDoubleArray, SciString, SciStringArray, type, lasterror
